Living For The Weekend: A 2013 Diary By The BBG
I don't want to sound like I'm obsessed with this or anything, but I want to go back to Suze's comment on the Simian Substitute pages from a few weeks ago. As I mentioned at the time, for the last three years those first-of-the-month posts have also been used for what I call Month End Processing: a series of short reviews of things that I've done recently that I don't believe justify a whole article to themselves. Looking back on them for the first time in a while, it strikes me that quite a lot of them are reviews of books, which I've been happy to dash off in a few hundred words rather than a couple of thousand.
In fact, the last full-length book post I wrote was almost a year ago, and it was written specifically to promote a book by The Belated Birthday Girl - her 2012 diary, Living For The Weekend.
She is now utterly horrified to realise that the first full-length book post after that will be the one promoting her 2013 diary. (Out now from, price £3.99 plus postage and packing.)
The 2012 diary was done in a bit of a mad rush during Christmas week, and as such it has a few obvious flaws. The major flaw was that it wasn't available until after Christmas, thus reducing its potential as a handy stocking filler. But it's also short of a few things that you take for granted in regular diaries - calendars, notes pages, transport maps. Time constraints meant that those things couldn't be fitted in, but The BBG vowed to address those issues if she ever did another one.
Well, she's done another one. Living For The Weekend: 2013 Diary is available right now, so there's still plenty of time to order copies for Christmas from our lovely publishers at (Yes, that's our lovely publishers.) New features for 2013 include the following:
- 365 new dates (approx)
- All the expected public holidays, and a couple of unexpected ones
- A nice cover photo that The BBG took on our 2005 trip to Hong Kong
- Calendars for 2012, 2013 and 2014
- Extra pages for notes
- BrewDog Passport - two dedicated pages to log your visits to all the BrewDog bars currently known about, from Aberdeen to Stockholm
- A blank back page where you can glue in the public transport map of your choice (well, it saves having to haggle for the rights to use the tube map)
All of this extra material makes the 2013 diary a full nine pages longer than its 2012 equivalent: but Living For The Weekend: 2013 Diary is available at the same bargain price as last year, just £3.99 plus postage and packing. At the time of writing, Christmas is just three weeks away: so order now to avoid disappointment. (Fans of disappointment may prefer to look at my own books, as listed in the left hand sidebar of this page.)
So it's a sequel then !
Posted by: Suzybaby | December 04, 2012 at 04:39 PM